Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012


1. Elementary particles: particles are composed of atoms forming
electron, proton neutron den.
1. Proton: forming atomic particles have the same mass
one sma (amu) and charged +1.
2. Neutron: particles forming a sma atomic mass (amu) and
3. Electron: atom forming particles that have no mass and
charged -1.
2. The nucleus: a positively charged nucleus, consisting of protons and
3. Notation elements:
Zaa by X: sign atoms (elements)
Z: atomic number = number of electrons (e)
   = Number of protons (p)
A: mass number = number of protons + neutrons
In neutral atoms, applies: the number of electrons = number of protons.
4. No neutral atoms: electrically charged atoms due to excess or
electron deficiency when compared with the neutral atom.
Positively charged atoms when the electron deficiency, called cations.
Negatively charged atoms when an excess of electrons, called anions.
- Na +: cation with one electron deficiency
- Mg2-: cation with a shortage of 2 electrons
- Cl-: anion with an excess of one electron
- O2: anion with an excess of two electrons
5. Isotopes: elements of the same atomic number, but different numbers
Example: oxygen isotopes: 8O16 8O178O18
6. Isobar: elements of the same mass number, but different numbers
Example: 27CO59 with 28Ni59
7. Isoton: elements with the same number of neutrons.
Example: 6C13 with 7N14
8. Iso electron: atom / ion with the same number of electrons.
Example: Na + with Mg 2 +
K + with Ar
- Atom is the smallest part of an element
- Atoms can not be created, destroyed, divided, or changed to
other substances
- Atoms of an element are the same in all respects, but different
atoms of other elements
- Chemical reaction is a process of merging or splitting of the atom
elements are visible
Dalton's atomic theory Weakness: can not distinguish sense
atoms and molecules. And the atom was not the smallest particles.
- Atom is a positively charged sphere and inside spread
electrons are like raisins
- The amount of positive charge with a negative charge, so that the atoms are
- Atom consists of a very small nucleus with a positive charge
mass is the mass of the atom
- Electrons moving around the nucleus in an atom is
- The number of electrons in an atom equal to the number of protons in the nucleus and
This corresponds to the number
- Electrons surrounding the nucleus is in the energy levels
(Skin) without specific
absorb or emit energy
- Electrons can move from the outer skin to the deeper skin
radiated energy, or vice versa
To determine the position of an electron in an atom, used 4
quantum numbers.
1. The principal quantum number (n): realizing the electron trajectories in
n has a price of 1, 2, 3, .....
- N = 1 corresponds to the K shell
- N = 2 correspond to the L shell
- N = 3 corresponds to the skin M
- And so on
Each skin or any number of energy levels occupied by electrons.
The number of electrons that can occupy maksimmm energy levels
must satisfy the Pauli formula = 2N2.
2. Azimuthal quantum number (l): indicate sub skin where
electrons that move also shows a sub-skin
compilers of the skin.
Azimuthal quantum number have prices from 0 to (n-
n = 1; l = 0; corresponding K shell
n = 2, l = 0, 1; corresponding L shell
n = 3; l = 0, 1, 2; appropriate skin M
n = 4; l = 0, 1, 2, 3; appropriate skin N
and so on
Sub leather prices vary is given a special name:
l = 0; fit leather sub s (s = sharp)
l = 1; fit leather sub p (p = principle)
l = 2; fit leather sub d (d = diffuse)
l = 3; fit leather sub f (f = fundamental)
3. Magnetic quantum number (m): realizing the presence of one or
several levels of energy in a sub shell. Quantum numbers
magnetic (m) has a price (-l) to price (+ l).
l = 0 (sub leather s), price m = 0 (having 1 orbital)
l = 1 (p sub shell), price m = -1, O, +1 (have 3 orbitals)
l = 2 (sub skin d), price m = -2, -1, O, +1, +2 (have 5 orbitals)
l = 3 (sub kwit f), price m = -3, -2, O, +1, +2, +3 (have 7
4. Spin quantum number (s): indicates the direction of rotation of the electron
on its axis.
In one orbital, maximum of 2 electrons can circulate and second
This electron spins through the axis in the opposite direction, and
each one is priced spin +1 / 2 or -1 / 2.
In every atom orbitals are available, but not necessarily
all orbital is filled. How is the electron charge
these orbitals?
Completion of electrons in the orbitals satisfy some rules.
among other things:
1. Aufbau principle: electrons fill orbitals starting with
the lowest energy level and beyond.
Orbital who meet the low energy levels is 1s
followed by 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, and on and on
made easier following diagram:
Examples of filling electrons in orbitals several elements:
Atom H: has 1 electron, configuration 1s1
Atom C: has 6 electrons, the configuration 1s2 2s2 2P2
Atom C: has 19 electrons, the configuration 1s2 2s2 2P6 3S2 3P6

2. Pauli principle: not possible in the atom there are two electrons
with the same four quantum numbers.
This means, if there are two electrons that have a number
principal quantum, and magnetic azimuth of the same, then the number
quantum spins must be opposite.
3. Principle Hund: for filling electrons in orbitals in a sub
Skin is that the electrons do not form pairs of electrons
before each filled with an electron orbital.

4 komentar:

  1. my problem is...
    the dalton atomic model stated that atoms of an element are the same in all respects, but different from atoms of other elements. you try to explain the purpose of the statement?

  2. I mean think dalton is similar elements must be the same, let's take the example of alkali group elements (IA), H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr memepunyai group is a very good reactivity of groups of other elements , and has the same outer electron

  3. Statement Dalton explained that each element has the same atomic identical then be equal in all things, but vice versa if berbeda.Yang aims to facilitate the understanding of all aspects related to the chemical elements.
    like one of them, the elements contained in the class VII A or Hologen (F, Cl, Br, I and At) if mixed with other elements will generally produce salt.

  4. He states that matter is composed of atoms that can not be subdivided. the same elements but not necessarily the same as the atomic elements lain.setiap element consists of atoms with identical properties and mass, and compounds are formed when atoms of different elements joined in a fixed composition
    Although the terminology is a bit different from what we use now, Dalton clearly put forward the concept of atoms, molecules, elements and chemical compounds. and until now the statement daltons statements about the atom atom of an element that still applies.
